Our Mission

 Service Dogs Alabama trains and provides service dogs for people with medical and psychiatric disabilities as well as intervention facility dogs. Service Dogs Alabama provides recipients with confidence and independence enabling them to reach their full potential. 


Our Impact

Service Dogs Alabama provides highly skilled service dogs to Veterans and teens. These service dogs are trained in one of the following service fields: PTSD intervention, mobility assistance, seizure intervention, or autism intervention.

We also provide Facility Dogs to schools, justice centers, and hospitals where the impact of a dog can provide support for the mission of the facility.


Types of Service Dogs


Seizure alert

Chris Gill. Barkley.jpg

Dogs are trained to stay with their person in public areas if they should fall and have a seizure. At home, they can be trained to either press an Alarm Button OR go and get help.

Facility Dogs


SDA Facility Dogs are trained for intervention tasks and to work with multiple people. They are chosen for this particular training when their personalities are confident enough to work off-leash without direction.


Mobility/Wheelchair Assistance

MacKenzie and Maddie. Wheelchair Assistance.jpg

Picking things up, opening and closing doors and drawers, pulling wheelchair, and fall alert.


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Intervention of meltdowns, compression techniques, intercept anxiety.



Circle the person on command, waking their person from a nightmare, disrupting an anxiety attack.


June 2019

These people are saving lives. They saved my life. They gave my daughter her Dad back.

Ret. US Army Sgt Combat Medic Jeremy Millwood



Get Involved

SDA is a 501c3 organization under the IRS tax code No. 47-3171146, and gifts are tax deductible.

There are many opportunities to support our efforts!
Attend or support one of our events, volunteer as a puppy raiser or dog walker. You can also volunteer time with office and maintenance skills you may have.

Donations are a great way to support the dogs and recipients of our program.


sponsors & Benefactors

We couldn’t do what we do without the generous support from our donors and benefactors.

Volunteer opportunities

Service Dogs Alabama relies on kind-hearted animal lovers to assist in the raising, socializing and transporting of our service dogs-in-training.

Make a Donation

Service Dogs Alabama remain committed to providing service dogs to children, adults, and Veterans with disabilities in Alabama. We would not be able to complete its mission without the generosity of individuals, organizations, and communities.